Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Better today!

I feel much better today then yesterday! In all bad things you can find something good as well:) What was good about failure of Ukrainian food is the fact that there is a lot of food left and I had a chance to eat today for lunch borsch and salad Oliv'e (which I really like) and not pasta!:)))
Since I feel quite good today I feel like sharing what happened yesterday in the morning! We had a nice teambuilding game:) I had few concerns at the begining (well, of course u can say that I always have concerns), but yesterday I even had a background for it.
Teambuilding started with leaving at home all money, mobiles and other stuff, taking only 2 tickets for metro and camera! We received tasks in envelopes so it all seemed like teambuilding in metro last year... You can imagine what kind of ideas and thoughts I had.
But everything turned out to be very nice - we were doing tasks in team of 4 people - me, Martina (NST member), Cardillo (bookkeeper) and Matteo (MCP). Our task was to go to Cimitero Monumentale di Milano (a big Cementry). There we were supposed to get to know history of the place by interviewing people (we had to have 4 video proofs), then make pictures of us cleaning toilet in bar, gain 4 euros and get to know each other by answering some questions!
So Cementry looks completely not like Cementry but like a Castle (at least for me). You can see pictures here and the history here. Unfortunately it was closed, so there were almost no people there. And we really faced challanges with finidng people who'd know at least something! I need to admit that I was even successfull in interviewing even tough I don't know Italian (well, maybe the one whom I was interviewing was a nice young guy?:). Later on we went to Garribaldi train station to gain those 4 euros. I think in Ukraine I'd work better (at least based on experience of last year). Buut I must say that nevertheless I was quite successful and managed to raise myself and amount of 1 euro (2 people gave 50 cents each) which I consider to be a good result for me with nonexistent level of Italian:))) I was so proud of myself yesterday!


Тетуана МКХЛ said...

От бачиш!! і з самої поганої ситуації навіть щось добре виходить, так що ти тепер мож частіше готувати українську їду :)
а от іграючу такі ігри мені тебе важко уявити.... та ще й з результатами

Dekabrina said...

что,неужели все так плохо???

Тетуана МКХЛ said...

не МАшка не плохо.. просто я як почала читати, я зразу ж уявила тебе з великими круглими очима, після почутих завдань ігри, а потім ще й уявила як ти їх всіх матюкаєш.. гарна така картина вийшла :)
уява не лише в тебе працює;)

Dekabrina said...

воображение тебя подводит:) круглых глаз не было, я обрадовалась,что нужно быть на улице, а не в метро! кроме того, я ж все равно была не одна, матюкать теперь могу только на итальянском:)