Sunday, June 17, 2007

First day in Italy

Finally it happened, yesterday I arrived to Malpensa Airport in Milan! And now I'm starting almost a new life, a new year in AIESEC Italy!
What was strange is that there were no surprises during my flight (usually I have lots of it).
The only one I had was connected to the fact that I was changing airport gates in Vienna from part for CIS countries to EU countries and I got a stamp in my passport there. So when I arrived to Milan I was expecting to pass lots of custom and passport controls. But it didn't happen, so I went out from there, nobody was waiting for me, so I had a strange feeling that I came to a wrong place:))) Everything was ok later, guys were waiting for me near arrivals of CIS countries.

Then a 30 min trip to home - I haven't seen a lot, was mainly talking then:) And finally arrived to Via Andora (Andora street) a place I'm going to live and work for next year!

Welcome from Via Andora was cool, and really unexpected - there was a big flip chart with Welcome Masha message on it, I loved it! Then Federica went out and told that she wants to take a picture of me and Ana entering the garden.. While we were posing for picture Eugeniu poured a whole wash basin of cold water on us!!!!!! This was the most original welcome I've ever had:)

After that I had a "house tour" - it has 3 floors, or 2,5 I'd say;) 1st is 2 office rooms, 2nd - living room and kitchen,3rd - 3 sleeping rooms! The house itself is really nice,well equipped comparing to what we had before:)

After some time at home , changing clothes at least, we went for Global village party at WENA Presidents meeting:) Guyes were going absolutely crazy:) I got a chance to talk to different people, dance andget to know WENA culture a bit. What is funny - I'm far not the best in drinking in Ukraine, but here I managed to be first I guess 3 times in "speed drinking competition". We are going to have Ukrainian night soon - and that would be definitely a place for people to try real Ukrainian vodka and get completely drunk:))he-he!:)
Then, completely tired and a bit dizzy we went back home to sleep! Before I felt asleep I was thinking about the whole day - I woke up in Dnepropetrovsk, managed to do a lot of things there, managed to see and say bye to a lot of people and move to other part of Europe and meet a lot of people here as well!
It was completely happy day for me!
Wait for more updates here and have a look at pictures at flickr!


Unknown said...

хе, добре що у тебе всьо гуд :)
ля-ля-ля :)

Dekabrina said...

Справді добре, дуже добре!:)