Sunday, June 24, 2007

Historical transition

Yesterday the event that we were looking for so much – historical part of transition started.
This part contains of few parts here – historical transition itself -MC members from MC teams from pervious 10 years (meaning from 1996 -97) are coming to tell about their year, achievements, problems, team experiences etc. The idea of this part is quite interesting, but the delivery seems to be not on the top. Most probably because people are experiencing difficulties with speaking English and that’s why sessions seem to be a bit boring (at least for me).
The other part of this historical block is historical football match that takes place each year between MC team current (previous, current and elect MC) with alumni of MC. That was a match that was expected, a match that was discussed. Quite a lot of people came to see it.
Despite the fact it was a football match I enjoyed watching it:) Of course MC team won with 5:4 score! I even started to think about the fact that we can once practice with girls to play football:) Of course we are (again at least I) tooo bad to compete with somebody else!
There is some kind of tradition for a team that looses the match to kiss the cup that is given to winners’ team, but I think I missed this moment yesterday! The other thing that is typical for Italian AIESEC culture is “formal dress” culture for boys – when they are happy (I think this word somehow unites all possible cases when it can happen), they take off their trousers and stay only in pants. I don’t really understand here, but it’s typical here.
After the match we went to very nice restaurant. I told you that I broke a lot of my stereotypes about Italians after I arrived. But this one got its confirmation yesterday – this party was exactly as I imagined Italians having meals – big – big table, a lot of people (of course speaking very loudly), a lot of food ( of course pasta or pizza) and vine! I tried pizza second time yesterday, it looked and tasted very – very nice:)
After that we went to city centre for drinks. Pubs here are quite strange – extremely crowded, people are standing on streets, inside there are huge queues, everything is of course very loud, and there is almost no chances to get menu. But anyways what I valued in this time were conversations that I had with MC members and alumni:)
As for my general impessions – I think I already pass the stage of being in love with everything. Language starts to be a major problem – they respect foreigners and try to speak English, but all the free time, during lunches and dinners, right after session ends they only speak Italian.
What I also noticed here is that there is no limit between saying something only to one person or saying something to everyone – whatever you say to somebody in few hours reaches the rest. I yet don’t know whether it’s good or bad – it’s just the reality;)
The next point is pasta – these people are really in love with pasta. Since I arrived here each day for lunch we have different types of pasta – it’s easy to be cooked for 20 people. But if it’s going to be the same till the end of the year I think I’ll not be able to fit into any of my clothes:))
Seems like these are all my emotions and news for today!

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