Friday, May 04, 2007

A new month ahead

0.53, I’m sitting at home and trying to create an action plan for coming month. May was never an easy month for me, but this one seems to be completely crazy.
My family – year in MC taught me to value time spent together with my family and I can’t imagine how will I say good bye to my mom and dad.. need to be mentally prepared for that. Moreover, need to prepare them for that.
My friends – almost as aboveJ but I have sooo many people I want to see and hug before I leave, and so limited time for thatL
My thesis – finally started, but moving to slowly. And I don’t have more then 1 week in a whole to complete it.
My visa – EU visas seem to be very difficult to get. That is something what actually scares me, but after all selection procedures I went trough this year I just can’t let any consul or whoever to stop me from achieving my goal
My transition – must be the easiest part to execute, but need to make myself do it, JFDIJ
My Italian – my daily lessons are just the beginning of a long story. It’s not easy to learn language alone, but I can do it, can do it, will do itJ I have 2 new books, hehe;)
My personal preparation and goal setting – something what I vitally need to do before I go to Italy, but why do I put it as the last priority always??? Does anybody have any idea how to make Masha Savranskaya do it before everything else.
My LC visits – dates set, tickets booked, excitedJ Can’t imagine saying good bye to some people in these LCs and one of the cities itself
My work – my last newsletter, digest, emails to community, forms audits, etc. Can’t believe I do it for the last time.
My personal space– no time for it this month, sorry…

But I’m supergirl and supergirls don’t cry…


EB Franik 07-08 said...

З нетерпінням чекаємо на нашого любимого ЛС ковчера :)

Zuzka said...

hi Masha, good luck for you...seems like your month is going to be interesting :) As for the language - you can do it. I have also learned portuguese at home just few months before I went to Brazil :)
Wish you all the best in italian MC!!! It was the position I was thinking so much to apply...but decided not. If they select me for CC, we can meet at IC again :)
Kisses, ZuZka (MC X in Slovakia)

Dekabrina said...

To EB Franik - с нетерпением жду поездки в один из самых любимых ЛК:)

Dekabrina said...

Zuzka, it's so nice to read such comments, especially when you don't expect person to read your blog:)Thanks a lot and best of luck with CC application! See you at Turkey:)

Eduardo said...

What a nice blog! Very interesting, well-built and cool at the same time! Congrats! Visit my space if you wish:
Kisses! Take care!