Thursday, November 29, 2007

I don't understand

That's a stange one, but really stuck in my head for 2 days already..
From my conversation with a somebody on msn: "now why would I talk to you and ask how are you. everything is great with you and you'll boost in any way with what you have done, what you've achieved and where you've traveled"... that's simply confusing...
I still can't understand what drives people to say such things. not in this particular case, but in general. Is that coming from the fact that we are used to answer that everything is cool with us in most of the cases excluding those when you feel really bad? Is it in the human nature to be interested only when something bad happens? Is it that time when they see the added value that they are brining to a person? Do they only want to symphatize in difficult moments. why people just can't be interested in what's good happening? or is it not so entertaining... I'm really confused and don't understand.


dora said...

i think that most of the times people want to share just bad things to feel better.... because if you are ok and they're not there are no connection!!! it's so sad, but fortunatly each one of us have a friend to call every moment to say how happy we are!!! i'm sure you have a person like that if not you can call me :D

see you on monday in Milan my dear!!!

KAMIL said...

dora is right ! i'm sure you have people who sincerely care about you no matter what your mood is. they are happy for you when you achieve successes and they support you when you're in troubles. take care about them. others are just the background of your life :)

good luck

Anonymous said...

When I was graduating from school one my teacher said that we have so many problems during our life that we out to ask people just about bad things and support just about bad things that are happening, if somebody feels cool people become jealous and u should keep away from them. At the same time there are people who are ready to support u at any time, and even more when u are happy.