Saturday, November 17, 2007

La Dolce vita

I know I should write more often even when people are not reminding me about that:)
But the crazy life I live now doesn't give me any free minute to do it or should I again refer to my time management skills?
In brief - I'm busy these days and I actually love this feeling of being busy, needed, useful and good for something.
I'm happy these days because I saw and will see tomorrow people that I love and care so much about: Olka, Luka, Innok:)
I'm satisfied because my life now is more diverse: I'm getting to know a lot of new people, I travel a lot now (actually I've fulfilled my Italian travel plan for 70% already:)) and I have a chance to see some of the most beautiful places in the world:)
I'm glad to have mentor who is always there to support and guide me. And I see quite clearly what do I need to do to define my goals. Thank you, Juraj:)
I miss my family - but I talked with them in skype with webcam today:) and I'm going to be in Dnepropetrovsk on 22nd of December!
I'm intended to learn Italian better - even tough I see my progress, I know I should do more. I want to speak by the end of June.
I'm curious if Italian LCs could raise 107 X until 21st of December and I'll have to become blond as promised:)
I'm looking foraward my travels to Rotterdam (who doesn't want to see AI office at least once in their AIESEC life?:)), Belgium and Portugal.
I'm still not sure about what do I do next? But that's normal period of uncertanty, right?:)
Please don't think that I'm never depressed here and everything is just amazing. Sometimes I do have bad moments. But I'm practicing positive attitute here and try to focus only on good things. Am I good in it?:)


Viktor said...


Anonymous said...

Dolce Vita - сладкая жизнь, а как будет сумасшедшая? Сюда бы больше подошло. Искренне болею за Италию хочу видеть тебя блондинкой!:)

Anonymous said...

I know your positive apporach to everything is perfect!
Keeping fingers crossed for 107 X in @ Italy (i alredy can imagine you being blond:)
warm hugs
Marta, Franik

Olechka said...

Машка, неужели ты будешь блондинкой??? Хочу это увидеть!!!!! Думаю, у меня есть все шансы :) Чмок! Соскучилась...

Dekabrina said...

Юлька, сумашседший будет pazzo:) я как-то сразу не подумала об этом, но ты правда:)
Una ragazza matta(сумасшедшая девушка) это про меня:)хаха:)

Dekabrina said...

Официально заявляю - после 2 недель рейзинга, они срейзили всего 15 стажировок! так что если также будем продолжать. максимум, что мне грозит - стать чуть-чуть светлее, даже не рыжей:)хехе:)