Sunday, August 12, 2007

Czech Republic

This is the first time for last 2 or 3 years when I officially have holidays:) It feels great to know that you have 10 days to rest, do nothing (or do something important but not connected to my work). So first thing I want to tell is that I FEEL GREAT:) Today in Sunday and I still have 4 days of holidays ahead, but now it's time to tell about first week that I spent in Czech.Rep with my parents!
I was looking for it a lot for this trip since I haven't seen my parents for a 1,5 already, well, I know that the more is to come later. So I was counting days till 4th of August:)
I had my plane quite early, at 9.35 which means I had to leave Via Andora at 6 am. Everything went fine in the begining - taxi arrived on time, I got to Malpensa bus station safely, got into the bus, but then adventures started:)
Bus arrived to Malpensa airport (biggest out of 3 airports in Milan) and people started to get off. So did I. I entered building of the airport and started to look for my check in desk, but I couldn't find it. Then I found a note that I'm in Terminal 2 and my flight is from Terminal 1. It wasn't mentioned anyhow in my ticket. I had no idea where to look for Terminal 1, I decided to walkt there but then I realized I got is that it's quite far from the one I was in. I was about to take a taxi, but then I saw bus going there. Driver was a nice old man and he agreed to take me there for free. Indeed it was quite far from T2 - about 10 mins by bus.
I saw a lot of airports in my life, but I've never seen such mess as I saw in Malpensa - there were thousands of people, huge lines for check in desks(check in desks were also quite strange - all operated by Alitalia (have got no idea why), with one huge line for 5 check ins. I regret that I don't have a picture, but I was in the line with I guess more then 300-400 people and I spent 65 mins in line for check in. I was almost sure that I'm going to miss my flight. During check in I cross checked whether everything is correct and I have my trip Milan-Prague, Prague-Brno, my luggage was sent to Brno, so everything seemed to be quite ok. In plane I met a guy from US and we had very nice conversation. So even that flight was delayed for 1 hour I wasn't angy with that.
Flight was good as well, it was first time I saw plane passing trough soo many clouds - it felt like dashing trough snow mountains, shaking a lot, but very nice! I don't know why I never noticed it during my previous flights:)
When I arrived to Prague I started to look for my second flight but I couldn't find it in schedule, so I started to look for help. It took me 20 mins to get info that in fact I have not a flight but a bus to Brno, and they made a mistake in Malpensa sending my luggage to Brno. I spent terrible hour trying to get my luggage and I must say that I succeded:) 30 mins more changing Terminals, checking in for bus, 2,5 hours trip and I was in Brno:)
On my way in bus I was thinking about this strange habit to have challenges during all my travels:)dunno why it happens. But in the end, I have soooo many funny stories to tell about my travels:)
Time in Czech needs additional post maybe. I visited almost all big cities in CZ - Brno, Ostrava, Olomouc, Prague:) We stayed at our place in Roznov pod Radhostem - amazing small (22,000 people) town with beautiful nature, amazing view from my window at home and the oldest in Central Europe museum in open air. Rožnov is a sort of miniature Wallachia, at least as far as it concerns the history of its settlement:)
So about the museum, it's called Valasske Museum v Prirode, it includes 3 big parts: Little wooden town, The water mill valley and the Wallachian village. The Little Wooden Town is the oldest part of the museum. The setting roughly imitates the Rožnov square which boasted a number of local burghers’ timbered houses up to the second half of the nineteenth century. The Water Mill Valley is an area composed of technical buildings that have been located on the piece of land around the original millrace since 1982 – the Water Mill, the Woollen Mill for making cloth out of the wool yarn, the Saw Mill for sawing planks, the Oil Crusher and the Hammer Mill. The Wallachian Village occupies the largest area of the museum which consists of a lot of dwelling-houses and farmhouses that are showing life of a lot of generations of Moravian people.
I wrote before maybe that I get this feeling of touching history in all museums, but in this one especially since you have the chance to see real houses, real way of life of people. By the way, the funniest thing I've noticed is the fact that Czechs were really short and small - beds in houses were very small (как диван-малютка):) Even I with being quite small would seem to be giant for that people:)
I didn't spend a lot of time in other cities so I don't have a lot of stories to tell. Maybe only about Olomouc. A lot of memories connected to this city - I wanted to enter Uni there, I was there for my first Presidents meeting during my CEED in CZ, I got lost thousands of times there! Beautiful city:)
One of the most important places I've visited this time was famous place of battle between Russian and Frech troops in 1805 - Austerliz. Honestly saying, I never knew that this famous place of battle of three Emperors is in CZ. In fact it's:) Since CZ territory was part of Austriab empire in that times. Now the place is called Slavkov and there is a momument called Mohyla miru and museum of famous Austerliz battle with multimedia exposition!

There are cities that makes you feel like staying there, Prague is one of such cities for me:)
I've been there 3 times already but never with good guide to get to know everything about the place. So I promised myself to come back next time for a real sightseeing! I wonder only when will it happen:)
Yesterday night I came back to Milan, of course with some challenges...:) But not very difficult - it's only about my luggage which was 34 kgs (shopping is not easy for me, you know:)) and since I didn't know how to call taxi and I didn't want to bother anyone on holidays I had to take metro.. On my way from Centrale to QT8(station near my home) I was cursing myself for being so shopoholic and so spoiled by taking taxis and using help of males with bags:) But nevertheless I arrived successfully to Via Andora, feeling extermly proud of being able to manage everything:)
Now I'm having completely lazy day, reading emails, unpacking and washing.. and planning the rest 3 days of my holidays... More will come soon!


Ira Voronova said...

Mashulia, a s roditeliami ty kak poobsh'alas'-to?

Dekabrina said...

С родителями пообщалась отлично:) я скучала, они тоже скучали. но в то же время поняла несколько вещей: как бы там ни было дальше, я уже не смогу жить вместе с родителями, я стала достаточно самостоятельной. Только не знаю радоваться мне этому или нет.
С другой стороны, так классно быть с ними и знать, что в каких-то моментах можно просто легко расслабиться, не заботясь о каких-то вещах. Подумала еще о том, что это правда, что на нас сильное влияние оказывают окружающие. Но все равно человек формируется в семье. И хочу я этого или нет, но я на подсознательном уровне веду себя так как мои родители.
В общем, у меня было много мыслей после этого, поэтому я как-то на блоге и не написала:)

Viktor said...

Погоджуюсь з тобою що в Чехії прикольно :)

Unknown said...

Prague looks great and the best way to explore this city is to get lost in it.
I spent one week there. Prague is amazing city. It is full of beautiful squares, beautiful architecture, and beautiful art. Also I really enjoyed my accommodation, because Prague hotels are not expensive and offers free transportation from airport.
Just look around at the great monuments, the Prague Castle with the Golden Lane and the St Vitus Cathedral, the facades in different colors and styles along the Vltava, the 1001 peaks all around, the numerous cathedrals, basilicas, churches, synagogues, the national theater, the lovely little alleys and so much more.