Saturday, September 06, 2008


If you know me well, you should know that I'm very keen on reading! I try to read something useful each day, but I still have a big room for improvement - I read to slow! Anyways, that was not the topic, just an introduction!
I have noticed recently that I am bying the same kind books, which is absolutely normal, but I want to actually broaden my horizon and here comes the question! As easy as you can imagine - Which books do you like to read? Which pen/pencraft? And what would you recommend me to read?


Yulia said...

if haven't read it yet, than read this one, John Gray "Gli uomini vengono da Marte, le donne da Venere". I only started to read it, but it's definetly worth your attention:)

Life is not the amount of breaths you take. It’s the moments that take your breath away. said...

Я сейчас читаю "Богатый папа, бедный папа" - Роберта Киосаки.
Книга о финансовой грамотности.

dora said...

tokyo blues norwegian wood!!!!

Ira Voronova said...

Машуля, я читаю много зарубежной художественной лит-ры. Наибольшее впечатление на меня произвели Коэльо (недавно прочла Бриду - очень понравилось), У.Эко (Имя Розы), Кундера!!!!! (в особенности Невыносимая Легкость Бытия). Еще читаю много про управление и лидерство - стандартно Кови, Шарма (новые книжки недвно вышли), from good to great, и все что связано с силой подсознания и вселенной и в продолжение этого буддизм, даосизм, йога и т.д.

Inna Kostyuk said...

always can find something interesting :)