Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Notes of an overstressed girl

My "Why's" and discoveries (nothing super deep though) of last couple of days...
1. Company give aways and presents that make delegates happy at conferences are the result of compromise between space in the luggage of coordinator. I just solved a dilemma between 3 T-shorts and couple more corporate gadgets.
2. Your manager has mood and time to talk only when you are in a hurry:)
3. I live in a small village now, which has advantages and disadvantages - I can make a tour to all shops in very short time, so I don't feel like missing something and during 15 min in the center you can meet a notable part of your colleagues from work:)
4. Italian is stuck in my head and I can't get rid of it... Instead of answering in German when I understand, I answer in Italian. I wonder whether it's good or bad..
5. Continuing the topic - I came to have my hair cutted yesterday to a salon. You have 1 attempt to guess country of origin of hairdresser, if I say that we spoke with him neither English, nor German, nor Russian...:)
6. I'm good in working under pressure, I like being positively stressed but not overstressed. I actually discovered what does overstress means - last week I had 4 meetings in the same day one after another. and then I had appointment with my German teacher before class - to be there on time I had to leave work 15 min in advance. I though that I did that, arrived to the center, went to a meeting place, but didn't find him there. Thought that he forgot, went directly for class, saw another group in classroom. Got confused. Discovered that not noticing it I left job 1h 15 min in advance instead of 15 min...
7. I'm re-discovering what does word 'freedom' mean. Freedom is to dress what you feel like this morning and not a suit as you should. Freedom is the opportunity to be nice to people because you want to be nice to them, not because your manager asked you to be nice with specific people.
8. The question that is stuck in my mind "why can I find time to post something on blog when I'm overstressed, 5 hours before the plane instead of doing it in other days?" any ideas?

P.S. Does the word 'overstressed' exist?
P.P.S. It's 23.08 and I'm eating smoked cheese with ham what I haven't done consciously for a long time. At least in my history of 'healthy life' in Italy! Yes, I eat vegetables and go to gym 2-3 times a week
P.P.P.S. I discovered one thing, I do miss Italy. But what makes this feeling even stronger is that I miss myself in Italy - my behaviours, attitudes and what is the most important I miss haptic feelings (тактильные ощущения) - not sure if it's right in English:) - people touching, hugging, kissing me. I only shake hands here..Mastering in that already:)
P.P.P.P.S. last one - didn't u get impression that I have tooo many questions in my head tonight?:)


Yulia said...

he was italian? :)

dora said...

you need to find a boy! You know, italian style of getting out of stress :P