Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Food Mania

A random observation, clearly noticed it only couple of days ago! Actually it's quite funny!
How do you think what is the first thing that Italians will ask you after you stayed at somebody's place (no matter whose - friend, boyfriend, randome mate)? It'll not be related to who lives in the house, where it's situated, how many rooms there are etc.
The question is "Ma si mangia bene a casa di...?" = Did you eat well in that house?
Apparently by this they can judge everything else what might have happened to you there:)
And it's very common here to hear after "how are you" question "what did you eat today?". Important thing is that people care about what you ate today not less then about how are you today! and they can spend even 5 minutes discussing kind of pasta or risotto that we ate today:)
The funny thing is that it doesn't surprise me so much anymore, I'm totally into the food based culture:)

1 comment:

YW said...

When greeting someone, say when you run into someone you know on the street, the Chinese often goes, "Hey hi! Have you eaten already?"

It's like "how are you?" :)