Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Creativity is out of the office

The name of the post is rather random - my creativity has a day off today. It'll come back in the office tomorrow, so maybe next post will have a more meaningful name:)
I started to write this post several times, but then something happened and took my attention, time etc. so I never posted what I wrote.
In brief, in previous month I traveled a lot, maybe too much. To be very short and specific:)
9 days in Catania: LDS – national induction conference for newbies. It was great to spend some time with Innok:)Conclusions: now I’m not easily motivated by conferences even tough delivered on a good level.
4 days in Rotterdam: Exchange meeting in AI – good content wise and very intense. It was good to see how AI works and lives. Conclusions: the funny thing is that I finally decided not to apply for AI.
1 day in Amsterdam: my first birthday outside of Dnepropetrovsk. Woke up in Rotterdam, spent day in Amsterdam, spent night in Brussels:) a bit crazy as for one day, but I liked it:) Amsterdam especially – it’s worth seeing, but don’t waste time for Sex museumJ Madame Tussaud’s is worth seeing, I loved it:) Red light district – nothing special – dark, almost naked girls in windows, and kind of church in the middle of it. Worth seeing only once in life, unless you go there for something elseJConclusions: need to come back to see the rest of the Netherlands. Who wants to go?:)
3 days in Milan: plan review, good ideas, reviewed plans and a lot of work again:) ah-ah, new table, chairs, cutlery and Christmas tree in our house:) looks great!
2 days in Trieste: lovely city, much better then I expected! Interesting local committee:) Next time I come to spend more money there and they promised to take me for lunch to Slovenia:)
2 days in Brugge, Leuven and Brussels: I was happy to be there:) Friends will be friends….:)
and now back to Milan – cool pajama learning circoletto yesterday with my team mates:) and heading for hospital tomorrow morning. Well, you know, I can’t live without using my insurance, bothering doctors and creating random problems. Yes, and having very strange and funny health problems
and then.. Lisbon this weekend (unless something bad happens tomorrow in hospital). I’ll see the ocean:)
Dnepropetrovsk in 1 week.. can’t wait to be there. I missed everyone there so much. Will be happy to come back for those 10 days:)
Yes, you know where to find my pictures, as usual here


Life is not the amount of breaths you take. It’s the moments that take your breath away. said...

Mawka a 4to tu takoe yvidela v AI 4to peredymala podovatcya? :))
Mowet ewe v Indiu zacko4iw. Tyt towe kracivo...mectamii net... i @ dovolno interectnuj:))) xa xa

Dekabrina said...

a ya razve kogda-to byla na 100% uverenna,chto hochu tuda podatsya?:)
ya by zaskochila v Indiu,tak eto dalekovato kak-to:))
luchwe ty priezhai v gosti kogda domoi budesh ehat!