Wednesday, March 21, 2007

What is experience

It's 1.48 am in Serbia, I'm sitting in faci room at EuroXPRO in Serbia. Trying to prepare quite some things for sessions but can't help stop thinking about ideas that are just popping up in my head. Most probably I need something to stuck to my brain to make a post here:)
Today is 3rd (already 4th) day of the conference and almost a week since I'm in Serbia with faci team.
It was not easy for me to make a decision and come here due to a number of reasons - university (still don't know what is happening to that conference for masters and my credits and exams), not successfull selection to MCs and just a fear maybe.
But now I'm completely happy with the decision made. because this conference exposed me to think a lot abt experience that I have. I was always thinking that I had a perfect experience in AIESEC - occcupying so many different positions, being 4 years here. but what I see now is how different it could have been. how much I was able to make out myself if I was not afraid (this idea that Mariha told me at winco.. what would I do now, if I wasn't afraid).. afraid to challenge myself and to go beyond limits. who told me that I know what is right, who told me that they way I do things is the right way,who told me that the way I behave is right, who told me that many things that made a stereotype person. firstly stereotyped about myself. most probably I did it myself..
I'm not person who takes a lot of time for self-reflection, but here I had some and amazing results came out:) yesterday when I was preparing for session I went trough number of quotes, saying and who knows what else. read one. in fact I guess I've read it once before but now it showed me a very powerful meaning. "Life is change. Growth is optional"...growth is optional.. so what is the option that I choose?


Тетуана МКХЛ said...

Просто щаслива, що в тебе все класно ;)
Ну що беш тепер ломати про себе стереотипи??

Unknown said...

все буде добре. :)

Viktor said...

Машенька :) Оце тебе серйозно порвало на конференції, а що буде коли вернешся? Нас всіх порвеш:)???