Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Something has to happen in one's life to make person move, I mean do something, change something. Normally, changes are not really desirable.

People only change when something happens. This is exactly about me:)

I was standing at the kitchen today trying to bake pancakes, laughing about the process and me. I was exited about finishing and telling how funny was it to somebody.

This idea made me think about my blog to make my sharing easier. I'd never make myself create this blog unless I wanted to tell ubout those pancakes.
I hope the desire to share will occur often enough to make this blog active:)
Now move to my BlinXP or pancakes story:)


Muza said...

I do hope that something happened that has made you move forward on your way. Hoep the story i ahve sent you will make you move even faster and with more courage. No matter what happens, please remember that there are few people that care about you and are ready to eat with you your Blin:)

Тетуана МКХЛ said...

heh!!! When I opened the mail box... I thought it was joke - Masha-blog.. never!!!
but i really happy that u found few minutes to share with the world about ur life, ur filings, even ur blins:)
by the way... i really really love u!!
Happy St. Valentine's Day

Inna Kostyuk said...

Finally you created blog!
I hope you wouldn't forget about your changes in MC.
Our life change it’s a rule. But this year is very special.
You are starting not only cock perfect and a lot of different things as well ;)

Unknown said...

Yeah! You can survive eating just blins, but you will be fat and not nice girl :-) So, you have to find some other recipes in Internet ;-)

For Innochka: What does your phrase "You are starting not only cock perfect and a lot of different things as well ;)" - I can not find any polite translation for this phrase :-)

Marina said...

Ух ты :)
давай :) пиши не только про блинчики :)

Viktor said...

Finally we will be able to read some news about Masha's life. But as I see the last one was some time ago. Mash, don't you have anything to publish here?:)

Oksana said...

i ja chytatymu :))

