Thursday, July 10, 2008

Never before...or my last months in Italy

It has been a long – long time since I had time to write a post. Actually I was about to do it a lot of times since a lot of things happened in the last couple of months. I regret now not capturing all those things since now emotions are not that strong and pungent and I’m only capable of writing a summary of everything that is going to be long though...

May and June were perhaps one of the most intense months in Italy in terms of everything you can imagine! I have experienced very wide range of emotions – from feeling unlucky and desperate to being the happiest person in the world. But in the end, that is what makes our life diverse, right? Never before I could imagine myself doing and behaving in a way I did in these 2 months… You’ll see:)

May started with CN2 – my last Italian conference! It went well without any special emotions that I was expecting. I wasn’t very sorry or depressed. I was not swimming in the ocean of tears, even though I cried at closing plenary. Most probably enough is really enough sometimes. Or maybe it was just too far from the real end of the term, that I didn’t feel that it’s really a last-last one. I was glad to finally feel part of the plenary – that only happened to me only once before. The conference or rather trips after conference were moments of some unexpected discoveries that shaped a lot my next months. Just in 3 days I traveled to/from Sora-Rome-Naples-Rome-Naples-Milan. Never before I could imagine myself going up and down between Rome and Naples just to understand myself… In the end I didn’t understand anything of what or how I wanted. But the trips were worth the time I have spent for it, I guess:)and yes, Federico thanks a lot for being there and asking all those questions I hated to be asked:)

Apart from that other events happened:
I spent a lot of time preparing for interviews, looking for internships re-evaluating again my priorities (I was really considering going for a short term internship somewhere between Turkey and Egypt :)… never before I could even imagine thinking about that:)
I was not selected for the first position that I applied for. My reaction was simply surprising – after reading email, I just said ok and went on with my work. Never before I could imagine myself reacting like that. Normally, I’d cry, lock myself in the room and think that I’m worth nothing and I can only work as low qualified work forceJ! Svetulya and Inna, what was my “favorite profession” last year? Tram driver, seller at the market?:)
Federica got matched to Ghana – I could not believe that for many reasons. But in the end I feel very proud for my putanona!!!!!!:)
Giuliano came to Milan for couple of days. I didn’t expect myself to manage and find time for that, neither I expected him to really come to Via Andora. That’s another “never before” thing:)
We had team weekend in Finale Ligure – once again I understood that if there are some things that you miss in the beginning, it’s very difficult to gain them later.
I went to Naples again – something that I never before expected myself to do. First – no tickets available because of national holiday, 2 hours surfing Trenitalia website, got tickets, missed my train, got ticket for another one. On the way back almost lost my train again. Never knew, but discovered then that I can be brave sometimes:)

On June 10th I was supposed to get my residence permit, just in one year after I arrived...Italian timing… That’d enable me to stay longer in Italy because my visa was expiring on June 12th! On 8th I discovered that in May I was supposed to go for an appointment to police that they never invited me for. On 10th I discovered that my residence permit is not printed yet – there is a delay of 2 months. That was the first moment when I actually realized that I’m to leave Italy soon. Maybe sooner then I expected. Events of those days now seem to be like in movie – travels to questura (kind of immigration office), packing, bye-bye dinners, people asking how do I feel each couple of minutes, tears, calls to embassies, discussions with my parents, going back and forth to airport, confirmations, proofs etc. In the end I found the way to stay longer… I can’t even explain how important it was for me. Never before I valued more 18 days…
I was about to go for internship in Sicily and then just 1 conversation generated a lot of doubts – I started to think about applying for coordinator position at DHL. In the end after exhaustive decision making process, weighting all “pros” and “cons” I decided to go for it. Long preparation, interview, waiting and all stuff related to that. In the end, on Friday afternoon I got the call…. 2 bottles of water in the office, shower in garden, shower in bathroom, being hugged by a lot of people people. Just being happy..:)It was difficult to live that month of transition being sooo many people in Via Andora. However, I think we’ve managed to do it and stay alive! We lost in football match with alumni! Ai-ai-ai! Ate terrible food at alumni dinnerL Also in those days I ate the worst pizza in the whole year in Italy – never imagined pizza in the center of Milan to be sooo bad! Capodanno or AIESEC New Year party was very different this year! I enjoy it even though I didn’t get to talk to a lot of people! A very strange day on the 1st of July, it had to be like that from the house that’s became mine on July 1st 2007 to house that stopped being mine on July 1st 2008. Just this one day changed something in me. Then my visa application – that is worth another post, never before I imagined myself to be so persuasive! Hehe! After successful embassy adventure, 2 days in Naples, nice people delicious food (too much food sometimes:)), regionale from Naples to Rome (it seems to be standard route now:)). I got lost on in Rome on my way to dinner with Matteo and Anabella, nevertheless it was great to stay with them, I really enjoyed the dinner! Thank you, puppi! Then night in CC house and the first thing I saw in the morning when I opened my eyes was Luigi’s ass – don’t ask how beds were located in their flat! Then 1,5h of delay – Alitalia forever and a lot of Ukrainians in the plane. More then 1 hour to get out of the plane, take luggage, pass all controls and welcome back home...:)


Anonymous said...

навіть після декількох місяців після, твій пост "живий" і емоційний,
я так хочу тебе побачити ,особливо,такою іншою, бо цей рік змінив тебе ))))
сподіваюся що до ІС, а то я вже змучилася сподіватися побачити тебе то зимою, то тепер літом в Україні

Anonymous said...

яка я рада, що цы два місяці були саме такими насиченими! рада за тебе :)
до речі сьогодні (у мене четвер) хотіла до теб поговорити в мсні, а тебе постійно вибивало, а потім прислало якогось віруса... отаке
скучила, цьом
заходи у скайп, мілашка :)

Yulia said...

Маша, солодка моя))))
я не змогла стримати сльоза, коли читала про вія андора)) я дуже надіюсь. шо в мене тут буде супер рік. А тебе вітаю, з неповторним досвідом, який ти отримала тут)) і все таки, я просто обожнюю цю країну)ААААААААААААА
Цілую тееб рідна, моя. І не можу дочекатись зустрічі в неділю)))) Уряяяяяя

ПС, ми прийдемо з Дорою))

Dekabrina said...

хехе! мои любимые девочки:)
я за вами соскучилась! Юля, увидимся в воскресенье:) думайте куда пойдем обедать..все ж будет закрыто, а как же я без пиццы?:)
Таня, терпим до ИС активно!:)
Легка, видишь, мы слегка поговорили! как буду в Бонне в своей квартирке (надеюсь милой,уютной и с интернетом), поговорим в скайпе! тебе есть,что мне рассказать!

Kiyaha said...

одні баби пишуть...)) в щоці))
велкам хоум, пиши шо ти і як там далі. а взагалі приїжджай на ЛДС.

dora said...

.... ti voglio bene mashokkina :)