Just 3 months left until the end of my Italian experience. I can’t believe it on the one hand. It still feels like it’s just the beginning, autumn or something around there. On the other hand, so many things have happened, so many places visited, so many new people, different emotions, feelings and thoughts. And so many things changed in my understanding of how things are and what am I.
Uncertainty is a key word describing my state of mind these days.
I have a deep inner discussion– a rational part of me says that it’s time to grow up, apply for a job and start bringing benefit and income to some giant corporation, get my salary, plan my life until 60s and draw a visualization board with big house, red car, happy family, parachute jump, travels during holidays and all other things people usually put there. And do everything as it’s supposed to be – slowly but surely, from manager to senior, step by step. Another part of me, let’s call it “nonconformist” says that I still have time and capacity to do something different, to do something more. I’m thinking about going to some strange place like Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Africa, Venezuela…to some “middle of nowhere” to live intense cultural experience, to understand world better, to challenge my limits.
Watching, reading, thinking, I’m coming to a conclusion that I’m less rational then people think I am, less safe then people think I’m, and less predictable…
I know I can be successful in working for multinational and I can be well-off until 30, living in comfort wherever I want, having all attributes of modern life style. But I don’t know if that is something what would bring some meaning to my life and whether I can make a difference living like that. This is something that a lot of people, given right conditions, can do. But some dare to do more. But I still can’t understand if I dare or not.
Some say I’m thinking too much and sometimes it’s better to just let it go and see what happens, but I keep on thinking but on the other hand having my CV ready and EP form available.
Uncertainty is a key word describing my state of mind these days.
I have a deep inner discussion– a rational part of me says that it’s time to grow up, apply for a job and start bringing benefit and income to some giant corporation, get my salary, plan my life until 60s and draw a visualization board with big house, red car, happy family, parachute jump, travels during holidays and all other things people usually put there. And do everything as it’s supposed to be – slowly but surely, from manager to senior, step by step. Another part of me, let’s call it “nonconformist” says that I still have time and capacity to do something different, to do something more. I’m thinking about going to some strange place like Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Africa, Venezuela…to some “middle of nowhere” to live intense cultural experience, to understand world better, to challenge my limits.
Watching, reading, thinking, I’m coming to a conclusion that I’m less rational then people think I am, less safe then people think I’m, and less predictable…
I know I can be successful in working for multinational and I can be well-off until 30, living in comfort wherever I want, having all attributes of modern life style. But I don’t know if that is something what would bring some meaning to my life and whether I can make a difference living like that. This is something that a lot of people, given right conditions, can do. But some dare to do more. But I still can’t understand if I dare or not.
Some say I’m thinking too much and sometimes it’s better to just let it go and see what happens, but I keep on thinking but on the other hand having my CV ready and EP form available.
Familiar thought, familiar period of life...
Wish you the best!
Ndaaa... ) sounds too familiar. Same questions. Same no-answers.
And I am not sure we'll ever find answers, but i do think its worth trying to see what you would be happier doing.
Good luck :)
super post! I think if you think you able , if you think you still can do these different things, so - go and do them! :)
Anyway, wish you luck in making your decision! and hope to see you soon ;)
lyublyu tebe zajka.
a ja dura.
starajusya vybytysa zi shkiry, shob dotyagnutysya do jakogos tilky mnoju omrijanogo uspihu, jakyj teper vymirjuju KPI.
a sho ja dlya sebe roblyu?
bilshe znaju? krashche shos roblyu? chy znaju sho budu robyty cherez 4 misyaci? ni figa. Dura odnym slovom
lyublyu tebe zajka.
a ja dura.
starajusya vybytysa zi shkiry, shob dotyagnutysya do jakogos tilky mnoju omrijanogo uspihu, jakyj teper vymirjuju KPI.
a sho ja dlya sebe roblyu?
bilshe znaju? krashche shos roblyu? chy znaju sho budu robyty cherez 4 misyaci? ni figa. Dura odnym slovom
Jid! Jid kudys daleko! I tak shoby mind-blowing!
Nikoly ne poshkoduju sho pojihala v Jordaniju! The best experience and the best times of my life so far!
Totally changed me, challenged me and made me a personality that I want to be.
If you feel you physically need to be non-conformist, and if you won't do it, you won't become yourself, then be non-conformist.
And don't be afraid. Wallahi :) (Seriously, in Arabic)
Знакомо... очень знакомо.. согласна на все 200! и Абсолютно поддержую Оксанку! Если ты не попробуешь, того чего тебе глубоко внутри так хочется, то потом ты уже не сможешь с такой легкостью рвануть в Пакистан, Шри-Ланку и т.д.
Борись с собой! И в то же время можно плать по течению, потому что 99% проблем решаются сами собой! ПРОВЕРЕНО :))))
Заходи ко мне в гости :)
я имею в виду Хорватию :)))
Знаешь, Машуля, меня смущает в действующих айсекера (а себя я к таким уже не причасляю), что они ставят крест на жизни после айсек. ну типа пока мы в айсек мы можем поехать в клевые страны и может быть что-то, что снесет мозг, а вот потом.... потому уже нет... потом жизнь ограничется м/н компанией и скучными буднями и рутинными выходными. Но ведь это же не так! все, что будет после и то, каким оно будет, каким будет эта "взрослая" жизнь зависит также от тебя самого, жизнь можно сделать настолько же интересной и mind-blowing как и в айсек, да это будет намного сложнее, т.к. никто, как в айсек, тебя не будет поддрживать, но ведь в этом-то и фишка, только тогда ты сможешь сказать, в действительности ли ты тот агент изменений, который создает вокруг себя ту инваронмент, которую хочет, или ты все-таки с этим заданием не справился и начал жить по тем правилам, которые тебе диктуют окружающие "серьезные" люди.
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