Sunday, December 30, 2007

My 2007

My 2007 passed extremely fast. Celebration of 2007 seems to be so far away, so many things happened, so many places, people, emotions changed in my life.
I was sharing a lot of things that happened to me during this year, so if you want to know more details just read some of the previous posts. I want to mention here few most important aspects of the year.
Events that shaped my life in 2007
EuroEXPRO in Serbia, Weekend in Ivano – Frankovsk in May, Visa application, EBC 2007, LC visit in Naples, weekend in Rome, Exchange meeting in Rotterdam, 2 flights from Brussels, IPM CCP election.
People I want to thank for different things (even tough they might not realize that they’ve done something important for me):
My parents, Juraj Zdinak, Sveta Muzychenko, Slavik Lysak, Marinka Malkina, Tanya Mikhailyuk, Ira Legka, Nadya Lyubivaya, Anya Kovalchuk, Il’ya Boshnyakov, Cornelia Raportaru, Kevin Groen, Federica Rosi, Federico Caliri, Julia Khimchak, Olka Urina, Inna Kostyuk, Viktor Kryvenko, Matteo Orsi, Anabella Florea, Dora Salemi, Irene Sianard, Daniele de Lorenzo, Alba Cauchi, Dante Scognamiglio and his family, Giuliano De Marco, Michelle Gallant, Andrey Bezemchuk, Olya Kuznetsova, Gaspar Ndabi, Olka Semenyuk
Books that I loved:
“The tipping point” and “Blink” by Malcolm Gladwell
“The world is flat” by Thomas Friedman
Places I’ve been to
Ivano – Frankovsk, Kharkov, Kiev, Belgrade, Milan, Prague, Roznov pod Radhostem, Ostrava, Olomouc, Zlin, Brno, Istambul, Lignano Sabbiadoro, Venice, Naples, Rome, Catania, Trieste, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Brussels, Brugge, Leuven, Verona, Pisa, Como, Lisbon.
My dreams that came true
Visiting theme park (Gardaland)
Traveling around Europe
I graduated finally
Quotes of the year
Life is not the amount of breaths you take. It’s the moments that take your breath away. Alex Hitchins
Bad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely. Karen Kaiser Clark
Some other learnings and observations:
I learned to value friendship and maybe learned how to care more about people:)
I learned that my experience is what I make out of it myself and nobody else can be held responsible for that
I learned how to cook pasta:)
Pictures of the year
My 2007 was different: it was happy and challenging, full of troubles and surprises; I took few difficult decisions that have shaped or will shape my life and life of other people. I got to know myself better. I’m thankful for everything that happened to me, everyone I’ve met and I’m looking forward new discoveries and opportunities that 2008 will bring me.


Yulia said...

Маша, желаю удачи в 2008)))

А что за трофей держишь в руках на фотке с Федерико?

Anonymous said...

Z Novym Rokom, moya solodka!!!
Lyubnlyu tebe i zavgdy budu tvojim drugom!
Tvoja, Svetulka!

Dekabrina said...

Julechka, eto kubok, kotoryi razygryvaetsya kajdyi god v futbolnom matche mejdu komandoi current/elect MC i komandoi alumni! proigravshye doljny pocelovat kubok:))) v etom godu my vyigrali:)))

Dekabrina said...

Da, Svetulka, posle vsego, chto bylo ty uje ne otvertishya;))))
toje lyublyu tebya!

Anonymous said...

і я тебе люблю :) сонце, я так скучила! хай наступний рік буде ще кращим! :) маю надію побачу тебе в наступному році!!

Anonymous said...

Машка, удачного 2008!
Когда еще раз в гости!Мы приедем, как обещали:)

Dekabrina said...

Легка, я теж на то маю надію. Тре подумати де і як:)
Канада то далекувато..хіба що Україна. чи десь в Європі. Хоча я ще сама не знаю, де я буду. ти і сама все знаєш:)

Dekabrina said...

Сереж, в гости сейчас это сложно. тем более, что ваша очередь как-никак,а?:)

Anonymous said...

ааа Маша, пише українською, ну цим я не здивована, як не як має парочку файних друзів з заходу, але стиль написання, машка таке враження, що ти все життя жила на заході:)
ЦьомаЮ. люблю:)
па па