Friday, June 15, 2007

Italy Tomorrow!

I don't know how to express my feelings! I told to many of you that I didn't have feeling that I'm leaving for one year abroad. Now, just 12 hours before the flight, this understanding came to me! I feel scared, I feel unsecured, I feel uncertain, like coming from terra firm to terra incognita.
But this is the way how it's supposed to be, this is the way I've chosen. All people say that everything is going to be great, so maybe I should realy on collective wisdom?:)
I'm trying to remember all the positive moments but eventually I want to cry when it all comes to my head.
Ok, so this is my experience and I'm responsible for what I make out of it, so I'll try to do my best to make the best possible out of it!
But I'm afraid anyways.
P.S. tomorrow I'll go to sleep already in Milan.


Ira Voronova said...

Машуля, удачи тебе!!!!! счастливого полета!!!! на коллектив виздом дествительно стоит положиться - все будет просто отлично!!! обнимаю!

Nadiyka said...

updates! updates!!!! :)))

kak ty?

Dekabrina said...

Ирочка, спасибо:) Все будет отлично, я тоже очень на это надеюсь:)Пока что все очень даже прик:)

Dekabrina said...

Updates are available already:) Pictures are available at Flickr:)