Yesterday I was elected as Chair of AI Exchange Quality Board 2007 -2008! The decision was delayed for 4 days, so all this time I was so nervous waiting for it. Thanks to everyone who supported me in application process and during this waiting period! We had a really nice celebration yesterday in MC house:)
Another good piece of news is that today was the first time when I tried Italian pizza! So many people were asking me if I tried it already! Yes, I spent 4 days in Italy, ate pasta 3 times and only today tasted real Italian pizza!!!!!!!!!!
You of course will ask whether it's really that tasty as people say. I'd take responsibility to tell you it is:) Pizzas are really big, I didn't even expect they are sooo big!
Ok, no more words, better have a look at it!
Вітаю з професійним досягненням в AIESEC!!!
А відносно піцци, то збирай рецепти, повернешся в Україну будеш мати чим пощастувати гостей :)
Машуля, поздравляю!!!! и с XQB и с пиццей :)))) не знаю, что уж важнее :))))
Mashenka congrats!! U menya kak raz zhil XMU chair elect, toche kuzha nervov poka rezultat vyshel :)
NO ya za tebya ochen rada!!
budu chitat :) ne znayu gde okazhus na stazhirovke, mozhet v gosti priedu :)
Рецепты собирать сложновато будет! Мне такое не приготовить самой:)
Ирочка, я сама теряюсь:) учитывая, что мне тут жить еще год, то может пицца и важнее:))))
Надийка, та ты что! И кто чер? Мне так интересно:))
Давай в Европу на стажировку, тогда точно сможем увидется:)
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