Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My Blin eXPerience

Before getting to sleep last evening me and Inna decided that today we are going to have borsch and pankekes with some fillings for lunch:)

We agreed that she cooks borsch(need to mention that after those months I know how to cook it;) and I cook pancakes. Good idea if you know how to cook it

But I'm active learner, right?:)

Everything started with internet research about cooking pancakes. You can't even imagine what you can find when you are not looking for it. I saw about 50 different recepies. Gosh, I needed only to know how to cook normal pancakes but not something for super professional cooks.

Cooking process started with confusion - have you ever knew that you can put both salt and sugar at one time to a dish. I never knew it entangled the order That's why I got a strange liquid that didn't look like pastry for pancakes

Then I was fighting with frying pan. Of course if was too hot for my fingers:)
There is a proverb "Pervyi blin comom" (First pancake is always bad), in my case - first 5:) But I didn't have right to give up:)
Somewhere in the middle of the process I started to make bets - whether that pancake will be good or not:) After 2 hours I baked around 15 pancakes, created a blog.. and I'm finishing this post actually;0
Now I know that I'll not die from hunger - I can always cook some pancakes:)
And I know what is the real pancake eXPerience:)

Something has to happen in one's life to make person move, I mean do something, change something. Normally, changes are not really desirable.

People only change when something happens. This is exactly about me:)

I was standing at the kitchen today trying to bake pancakes, laughing about the process and me. I was exited about finishing and telling how funny was it to somebody.

This idea made me think about my blog to make my sharing easier. I'd never make myself create this blog unless I wanted to tell ubout those pancakes.
I hope the desire to share will occur often enough to make this blog active:)
Now move to my BlinXP or pancakes story:)